Tuesday, November 16, 2010

D.C. Bleh

So I'm in the middle of spending 10 weeks back in DC for a developmental rotation, working in the office I started in (but in a different division) and I'm struck by a couple things. First it's shocking how many people remember me, all kinds of folks here remember me walking the halls and suprisingly are pretty affable. Second I can't walk into an office or meet someone new without being offered a job, which is great, but I'm not sure I'm ready to move back to DC. I love DC, it's a great town and I have lots of friends here, the lady I'm working with now is great and I think I could do great here. But traffic here has gotten worse in the two years I've been gone, and the town has changed a little bit. I don't know how I would grow as a person here, I would grow professionally, and maybe that's enough, but I don't know where the other parts of my life would grow, other than my waist size, since you spend a billion hours commutting it leaves less time for the gym.

But all in all, the Pentagon is still great, the work is fun. And if the commute wasn't horrible I'd be here in a sec. Incidently the weather has been nicer here in DC than in San Diego.