Friday, December 16, 2011

Usually wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole

I don't normally talk very much about this subject but I'm feeling kind of anti-woman this week due to a confusing event. But I was in a discussion with a friend about women being more difficult to work with than men, and I completely agree. Women are impossible human beings full of mystery and malice, whereas men are simple creatures with simple needs and an even more simple communication structure. Whereas your average woman is full of complexity and layers upon layers of emotional Labyrinths, and that's just when you ask how they are feeling.

For example, Men are easier to get along with because in general we say what we mean and there's not much more to it. And a woman has all these emotional and multi-tiered level meanings for things. For example, if I guy says, "I had a good time." It means he had a good time. If woman says, "I had a good time" it could mean anything, including I had a good time but I was anxious because I thought my lipstick didn't match my shoes and also Becky wore a nicer dress than me and maybe that made me look fat and also maybe my date didn't pay enough attention to me and I thought I maybe caught him looking at another woman for a second and oh god is he cheating on me etc etc.

Now you take a group of women and the women's hive-mind multiplies this multi-tiered meanings by a billion, until it becomes a negative tornado of emotions and lies, where nothing is good enough and evil pervades everything about it. And that's what it's like working in an office full of women, where the hive-mind sees and judges everything and will never tell you what they actually think. And each individual branch of the hive-mind has it's own goals and secret plans.

So how was your day?