Someone forced me to watch a episode of this show, and it was one of the most traumatic experiences of my entire life, right up there with having a copperhead snake coil around my leg and watching Optimus Prime die. Watching that show makes me sick to my stomach. I don't understand why it is on television, or why it's on TLC which to my understanding used to stand for The Learning Channel, and now stands for Terrible Loser Channel or The Lurid Cock or Turd Lurking Cellar or Turgid Leper Central. I'm actually ashamed that this show exists for the sole reason that it might be rebroadcast in other countries. It makes me wish that Georgia would secede again and we would just nuke it off the face of the planet.
This all from a channel that was founded by the Department of Health Education and Welfare and NASA to provide education with no broadcast cost (it was originally distributed for free by NASA satellite). The only reason this show and NASA should be linked at all is in the context, "The cast of Honey Boo Boo has been launched into the sun by NASA."
I'm not even going to say why it's bad because thinking about it might cause me to spew vomit all over my desk uncontrollably. Please someone shut this show down, please someone take the children in this show into child welfare or have them go spend some time in a chinese factory as laborers.