Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Back in the Saddle

Alternative titles for this post:
Get bent California
Eat me Taxman
Probably shouldn't have tried California

So the State of California is crazy broke. Which is entirely of their own doing. I've lived here for almost 4 years and I've only filed my taxes once. Why you ask? Because every year I would get a pretty sizeable tax return and I figure the state is better off with my money and also not paying to process my return. And yes I realize that technically I'm in violation of the law for not demanding my tax return from California every year, but that's not the point. However California has gotten pushy about me filing my taxes, telling me that I might owe them money, I got a little miffed and went back and filed all my returns. The total return for the three years I didn't file taxes? $2400. So congratulations California, you hosed yourself out of $2400 that I was perfectly willing to donate to the cause of getting you less in debt. I wonder what it costs the state to process those three returns?

I feel bad for you California, but you brought this on yourself!

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