Thursday, June 14, 2012

Should have kept my mouth shut

I've been in Massachusetts for the last couple of weeks and originally the plan was for me to fly back on Friday. However, the original plan flew out the window and so the backup plan went into action which allowed me to fly hom on Wednesday.  Yesterday however I called my boss to take off Friday and this conversation occured:
Me: "Hey boss, sitting in the airport now, I'll be in tomorrow, I was wondering if I could take Friday off?"
Boss: "I wasn't planning on having you here, I thought you were flying on Friday?"
Me: *silently "Shit"..."Uhh yeah originally I was but that changed, so I'd like to take off Friday since you weren't planning on having me there anyway."
Boss: "I really need you in the office, what if something happens that needs your attention."
Me: "15 seconds ago you didn't think I was going to be in anyway."
Boss: "I need coverage please come in on Friday."

What the heck? So if I'd never said I was going to be back I wouldn't have been needed on Friday but now I am? Sigh

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your boss is a Dick. You should quit and move somewhere else, like, say...Yuma.