1. What is the largest kind of shark?
A. Basking Shark
B. Whale Shark
C. Great White Shark
D. Great Hammerhead Shark
2. Do Sharks attack humans often?
A. Yes
B. No
3. How long can a shark go without eating?
A. A week
B. Two Weeks
C. One Month
D. One Year
4. Mother sharks stay close to their babies until they are mature.
A. True
B. False
5. Some sharks are filter feeders
A. True
B. False
6. Some of the smallest sharks are
A. 5 inches
B. 7 inches
C. 4 inches
D. 9 inches
7. Out of all the sharks the great white shark is the most fierce
A. True
B. False
8. What are the two sharks that can stick their heads out of the water?
A. Dogfish shark and the sand tiger shark
B. Lemon shark and tiger shark
C. Great white shark and tiger shark
D. It’s Impossible for a shark to do so
9. The largest shark can grow up to about. . .
A. 39 feet
B. 52 feet
C. 38 feet
D. 40 feet
10. How many different kinds of shark are there?
A. Under 250
B. 250 – 350
C. 350 – 450
D. over 500
Answers (Scroll over to see):
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. C
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