Friday, March 1, 2013

How did they know?

So I rarely pay any attention to facebook ads, but I've had one pop up a number of times that not only piques my interest, but takes every fiber of my being to not fall into the trap.

Yes that's right, Bret the Hitman Hart glasses of my very own.  Sometimes Facebook knows you pretty well...I don't even watch wrestling, haven't in years, but somehow Facebook has been able to figure out that by tapping into my 10 year old mind and desires they can almost (and by the skin of my teeth almost) get me to purchase some shiney wrap around glasses that a old WWF wrestler used to wear. It's creepy odd too because I don't watch "professional" wrestling at all anymore and haven't for years and years. But somehow facebook is tapped into my soul

I've seen the ad about 5 times, and I've gone as far to see what they would cost (like $20 for 3 pairs...which seems pretty reasonable...).  I've even added them to my cart once but didn't finalize the purchase. It takes all of my willpower to not buy these stupid glasses.  Why can't Pintrest teach girls to do useful things like make sunglasses from some obscure wrestling reference for their boyfriends.

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