Friday, March 1, 2013

Sequestration and the Continuing Resolution

Look, if I see one more ignorant comment on the subject people are going to get hurt. I understand some of you may not like the federal government and are ok with it getting cut, I understand some people are not for these things, I don't care either way.  But what the Department of Defense has been told, is that these cuts mean the following things to their civilian employees:

1) If they stand, they will be forcing us to stop working one day a week for 22 weeks which effectively cuts my (and other DoD workers) salary by about 20% for those 11 odd pay periods. That ends up being about 10% of my yearly salary. Not 2%, it will be about 20% a paycheck. Kindly take 20% out of your paycheck for 22 weeks and let me know if you are ok with it.

2) DoD employees will be receiving less benefits and less time off. We don't get accrued leave or other benefits during the ~44 days we're not working. It's like free vacation except I don't get paid or get any benefits on those days off.

3) There is no new hiring so you can't replace people who retire or move or anything.  So it's kinda restricting for those people with career goals.

Anyway, hopefully it will all get settled, if not then I'm going to be poorer for the experience.

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