Thursday, November 6, 2008

Keepin it free as hell

Don't tell my co-workers, but I'm not wearing any underwear for the rest of the day. It's not on purpose, I don't deliberately do this just to be sneaky and or feel better. Sadly it's only because I forgot to pack an extra pair of undies when I came to work this morning, and when I got done working out at lunch time I decided to not put on my sweaty clothes. This doesn't happen often, in fact only once or twice as far as I can tell. But it is funny to me to be walking around all day, one zipper slip away from being sent home forever. So I'll have to maintain extra zipper security so that I don't get fired when I go get a drink or something like that.

There have been other instances of this that were highly amusing to me. One time after SPIIN class I went on a date with no underwear on. That date didn't go anywhere because I'm a huge prude and extremely unaggressive but if it had gone somewhere you have to assume that at some point she might have wondered why I wasn't wearing boxers or anything. Then I would have had to tell my sad sack story about how I forgot to bring an extra pair. Actually that's the only time I can think of, my life is so not exciting.

Anyhow, I don't think I'd enjoy the difference everyday, certainly it would change the way I do laundry but after awhile the novelty would wear off. There are other more disgusting side effects that I'm just not going to talk about, but you can think about them. Think about them now, I'll give you some adjectives to help:
Overly Disgusting Smell
Skid marks
Norman Rockwell Painting
Lack of Fundamental Decency
Small and Useless

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