Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day '08

Thank god it's finally here. For fucking ever I have been sick of all the campaigning and forced commercials, and stupid media forced down my throat. This presidential campaign in particular has dragged on for what seems like 3 years. I'm tired of it. I was tired of it 2 years and 9 months ago. Finally the day of release is upon us and I can stop seeing goddamn political adds everywhere I go.

I don't hate politics, in fact far from it. But I educate myself, going out and finding what I need to know and what the changes and ebbs and flows in the political landscape. I keep myself well versed in the affairs of state both in this country and in others. I can, if pressed, speak knowledgeably about both or many sides of any political argument or discussion (note: all discussions always turn into arguments when it comes to politics). All that being said, I hate talking about politics. I hate being drawn into to someones fervor or opinion and having to hear them preach about how partisan they are and how the other side is wrong. See that's the thing, you don't hear much reasonable discourse on political matters in this country, talking about politics turns almost everyone partisan as heck and unable to talk without venom in their fangs. I hate it, there's very few people I know that can talk about politics without puffing out their chest and trying to convert all those around them.

The other thing I dislike is that people oftentimes feel like they are entitled to what you think. Entitled to know how you feel on every subject involving an election. I on the other hand don't tell anyone how I really feel politically, with the exception of 1 person (and that person knows who she is). It's not in my best interests to be so open with how I feel about political matters pretty frequently, so I shut it all down. I'll talk about topics, but I'll play both sides of the argument, to some I'm quite the contrarian, always being opposite of whom I'm in the room with or being opposite of everyone at the same time. People usually guess wrong when they guess who I want to win, and depending on who is in the room they'll be surprised when someone else guesses the exact opposite of them. The point is that I keep it very close to my vest when it comes to politics, and I become agitated when someone presses me after I tell them that. It happens slightly less here than it did in DC, but it happens. Some people even feel hurt when I take that approach, but I don't feel like I need to tell people how I'm going to vote.

Thankfully all this political frenzy will die down in a couple days. People for the most part will return to their reasonable selves and things will be better for awhile. That is, until a year from now when the next presidential campaign starts gearing up.

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