Monday, August 27, 2007

Beach Bumming it:Day 3

Today was filled with excitement and adventure of the highest order. First up on my day was a sunrise bike ride. It was quite nice biking by the ocean, wind in my hair, taking some jumps off of sand dunes. Then I worked out for an hour or so. By the time I was done and showered it was 8 AM and it would still be two and a half hours that I had to kill till the lazy bums staying with me woke up. So I decided to read...and I continued to read all day. 8 hours of reading. I didn't get to go go to the beach because I'm all red. Also I got to hear some of the most ridiculously racist comments I've ever heard today, all by black analysts, all on ESPN. I've never gotten so angry watching television. I had to change the channel to children's cartoons several times.

Now I have set my mind to finishing the devil's jigsaw puzzle. An evil little Disney puzzle that I have set up on a table that is the same color of the background as the puzzle, and a lack of light. I'm going to need some rum, and some Sunny Delight. Wait, I have both. Ok Lucifer, it's time to take on the seven dwarfs.

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