Thursday, August 16, 2007

So there I was...

Apparently I lack outlets for my creative energy, at least that's what one of my misogynist racquetball fellows says. I'm not sure his opinion was the turning point in deciding to write publically again, but it is also not the first time I've heard it. Thus I decided to start a blog that nobody will read, as opposed to a book nobody will read...or a book review that nobody will read...or a college football column that nobody will read. My plan is to maintain a healthy level of self deprecation, incorrect use of big words (oh no! I forgot to study for my S.A.T's eight years ago!), and nonsense. Nothing like a healthy dose of nonsense.

Speaking of nonsense. I had a dream last night that reminded me of "Top Secret!", a movie with Val Kilmer which is highly underappreciated. Anyway in that movie there is a torture scene in which the person being tortured passes out. While passed out he has a dream that he had just missed/was late to an exam at college. Every college students worse dream (although I think a dream where you get assaulted by Raccoons bent on taking your neckties is worse but hey)! He wakes up in the torture room and breathes a sigh of relief, "Phew, I thought I was really in trouble for a second" Anyway, I had a dream like that last night, not that specific dream, just very similar in message. Situational comedy if you will. I'm not going to expound on what the dream was about. first post and somehow I managed to work in an irrelevant movie from 1984 that barely anyone my age has seen. Great work there Jenkins.

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