Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lazy ways to do things

I was laying in bed last night and I realized that all my blankets and sheets were discombobulated. So instead of turning on the light and making my bed, I decided to opt for the making the bed while I was still in it with the lights off trick. Needless to say it had mixed results. On one hand I didn't have to leave the bed, on the other it was a messy and terribly complicated process, the consequences of which still have yet to be seen. It was actually quite comical, as I struggled for about 5 minutes or so to get it right. The irony of course being I was too lazy to do it properly and it would have taken me 30 seconds to hop out of bed, turn the light on, make my bed, and crawl back in. Of course I'm very ironic at 2 in the morning so it struck me that maybe I should think of other things that would be lazy but more difficult and time consuming to do.

1) Walking your dog without a leash. It takes 10 seconds to put on a leash, but sometimes the dog doesn't feel like coming when you call and sometimes you have to chase them and call their name out. If you'd just used the damn leash it wouldn't be an issue. Of course your dog can hate you forever for putting them in a constraining leash and then they are going to grow up and be all dark and moody and they will listen to bad depressing music. The ideal solution? Buy dog walking robot!

2) Cooking when you aren't sure you have all the ingredients. You didn't feel like going to the store to pick up milk, or even checking to see if you had milk, but now that your halfway through making your mac and cheese you have to do more work to fix the meal by driving to the store and balancing the heat on the burner so that you don't overcook things. The ideal solution? Order pizza so all you have to do is move to the door.

3) Folding your laundry. Sure it takes time to fold your laundry, but it takes even longer to have to iron something because its too wrinkled to wear in public. I hate folding laundry with a passion, all in all it might be my least favorite thing to do. I don't mind doing laundry, but folding it is like torture for me. I'd say about 80% of the laundry I do remains unfolded, and it always comes back to bite me in the ass when I need to actually wear said clothes. The ideal solution? Hire someone or marry someone to do my laundry for me, hiring someone will probably be cheaper.

4) Writing your blog. Too lazy to write all of your post now? No problem finish it later. Too bad your train of thought won't be the same and you might not remember what you are trying to do. It will take twice as much work to remember what points you were going to bring up and how you were going to write them. Writing something about being lazy? Don't worry about making notes to figure out which things would be funny, you'll remember them later...not. Then it just looks like you half assed it.

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