Monday, May 12, 2008

Oh hey thanks for the tattoo

I understand why bars and clubs use stamps to mark patrons once they've entered so they can go in and out. It is understandable and as good a way of keeping track of who has paid a cover and who hasn't that I can think of. What really bothers me is when a place uses ink that stays on your skin through multiple washings. On my right hand right now are two stamps from the bar/club I was at on Saturday night. It looks really good when I'm at work with stamps on my hand.

Now, you might be thinking that i just haven't showered or bathed or cleaned my hands at all. you would be very very wrong. I've taken four showers since my hand was stamped, and even spent 5 minutes scrubbing my hand off several different times. If you want me to be marked permanently with your shitty stamp why don't you just brand my ass when I walk in the door. It is incredibly annoying to have this ink on my hand for 3-4 days afterwards, and i don't necessarily think that I should have to use a Brillo pad or a knife to take the skin off my hand to ensure stamp removal. How about let's try using a little less permanent ink, maybe even using a smaller stamp, whatever gets the job done. I'm no ink/stamp expert but put some thought into it before applying this new temporary tattoo to my hand, thanks.

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