Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thanks Pop Pop

My grandfather died 5 years ago, right before I was planning on going down to see him for a long weekend at college. He died sleeping on the couch, watching the baseball playoff game between the Atlanta Braves and the Chicago cubs. It's always torn me up inside that I never got to see him that weekend, it really eats at me that I didn't really talk to him in the weeks and months leading up to that because I was so busy. It brings a major sense of regret and emptiness when I think about it. I'm so glad he died peacefully in his sleep though, watching something he loved, although it would have been much nicer if the Phillies had made the playoffs instead of blowing it the week before with the patented Phillies late season swoon, but I digress. I don't think of him very frequently because it leaves a sadness in my heart that I didn't make more of an effort to spend time with him in his late years, especially since I was so darn close at college. I feel terrible about that.

The other day I was packing and sorting through various papers and whathave you when I stumbled on a letter. It was addressed to me from my grandfather's house and was unopened. So I opened it and it was a card from my grandfather with $10 inside wishing me a happy birthday. I was floored, and I had tears in my eyes almost immediately. I couldn't believe I had never opened the letter, I felt so sad and yet so happy about the memory of the man who was my only grandfather I'd known (my grandfather on my mother's side died when I was 1 1/2 and I was the only one of the grandchildren that he lived to see). I sat on the floor for about 15 minutes and thought about him, he was always the most prepared man I ever knew. He was ready for anything and always seemed to have a plan, and that is one of the things I will always remember him for.

So thank you for the card Pop Pop, I really miss you. I'm going to frame the card and the $10 bill with a picture of him first chance I get.

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