Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I forgot an extra shirt today

I forgot to pack a workout shirt for the gym today. Which effectively means I can't work out at lunch. Which makes my day feel 45 minutes longer since I'll spend time sitting at my desk rather than working out. Which sucks because working out makes me relax and it's good for me, plus anything to make the day go by faster is always helpful, even though there aren't enough hours in the day as is. Basically I'm just pissed at myself for forgetting something. Sometimes I think that I need 1000 checklists in life so that I don't forget anything. I almost forget my wallet every day...EVEY DAY! Sometimes my forgetfullness can be very detrimental and today is no exception. I need checklists or something, maybe a robot that hands me things as I go out the door. Also I need instant grocery lists that come up on my cell phone since I always forget the ones I make at home.

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