Friday, October 24, 2008

Urgent!!!! On a friday

So today I got a request from an office in Washington that was extremely urgent, so urgent in fact that we have to get in a response for something that could have like a $60 Million dollar impact by close of business eastern standard time. Which any other day would be like 2 PM my time. But on a Friday it's like 12, which wouldn't have been a problem if we had gotten the request last night. Instead we got it this morning at about 10 AM. 2 hour turnaround, on a Friday, ~$60 Mil. Smart huh? Not to mention the most important factor which is that a significant portion of people won't be here. In it being the most common day for workers to take off most government employees are on a 9 day schedule, working an extra hour 8 out of 10 working days and getting the 10th day off. So roughly less than 50% of the workforce is here today and we have this urgent request for information that probably requires input from 50-100 people in 2 hours.
I'm not blaming the Navy Financial Management and Budget office (FMB) that asked for this data, I'm blaming the Office of the Secretary of Defense, who asked them for this. Like, if this was truly that important, and to be fair $60M isn't that much money in the grand scheme of things, OSD would have asked for this on Thursday. Or they would have asked for it by next week, not by today. What do these people have no lives? It's ridiculous and apparently they asked for even more from FMB. It's just dumb, like why did they wait for the last minute to ask for this information? Why did they not send out a memo a week ago asking for it today? Why did they not give me $60M? Why can I not seem to get behind the new Guns and Roses song? it just sounds so damn electronic and generic. I mean c'mon you had 180000 years to make this album, how about having a title track that makes sense or has good lyrics, not some terrible electronic mess.

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