Monday, October 20, 2008

What I want today

I thought at some point before lunch that I would like to swim in a pool filled with gummy bears. But after further reflection I realized that not only would I not like to do that, but that it would be really weird. First of all you would get all sugary and gross. Yuck. Second, you wuold never be able to eat gummie bears again. Third, if you accidently ended up getting those gummy bears that are kinda a little bit chalky it would like make you choke and dry out your skin while making it slimy. I guess I should have thought this plan through, because in addition to not being fun, the cleanup would be hell. How do you dispose of a pool full of gummy? Eat it all? Who wants to eat gummy bears that I've swam in? You can't just let it sit. Ugh this project is getting worse all the time. Sometimes I even wonder if it's worth it.

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