Friday, October 3, 2008

Why am I here

It's not a super deep question, it's not about why am I here on this plane of existence or some other metaphysical psychological nonsense. But in a very direct way it is a question of why am I here, at work today, on my day off. Is there some higher purpose for which I have arrived in this place? Is there some being above me that has some task in mind for me to complete? And if that's the case why hasn't this higher power shown themselves and told me what I should be doing here. Am I supposed to be some pawn in a real life cosmic game of chess? What am I doing here!

It could be something so simple, maybe I'm just a small piece of an intergalactic puzzle that involves me being at work today. Or maybe, I am the puzzle, and the only way people can figure me out is by making me do tasks on my day off. Maybe the world is complicated and I'm supposed to be on some quest, or complete some errand that sets all things back into balance, today, and not on monday. I guess in many ways I'll never know the truth. I could just be here as a spec on someones windshield or maybe the whole office revolves around me. It is certainly going to take someone with a much deeper understanding of life to have me figure out why I'm here today.

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