Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I need a portable thought collector

I saw an advertisement several months back that eschewed the many virtues of some random cellphone. One of the amazing qualities of this cellphone was the ability to blog on the go with it. I laughed and wondered who the hell would ever need that, I mean who needs to blog on the go? Well after "writing" a blog for several months I realize how amazing a tool it would be and I regret not having a device that would allow me to blog on the run. The number of ideas I come up with, then forget, then remember again, then forget, then remember partially is astounding. Or I'll think I have a great idea on the way home from work or something and when I get home I wonder what the hell my awesome idea was. So I'm sorry for mocking the ability to blog on the run, I now understand the value and wish that I had this capability. Just add it to the long list of gadgets I want but don't need (less of a receding hairline, new car, girlfriend, rocket boots, new workout shoes, etc.). Oh well, it's not like my blog would overall be better off if I was to remember these ideas, the only way it could be better off is if I were to cease writing it!

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