Friday, November 9, 2007

Out going

I don't understand sometimes why I leave this house to go out and hang at a bar or club for the night. It always ends in me having no fun and having my wallet slightly emptier, and to be frank I could be having no fun in the comfort of my own home which is considerably less expensive. Maybe it's because I stopped drinking or maybe it's just that those activities don't appeal to me anymore but let's make a list of the pro's and con's of both staying home and going out to a club.
Going out to a bar/club:
Pros: Get to see lots of exotic people. Sometimes you get to watch some jackholes get in stupid fights.
Cons: Your out $31 for cover charge, buying drinks for two girls, and tipping a dollar for a glass of water. You get to listen to a shitty 80's band do covers of songs you hate and are sick of hearing. You get to be jostled by the large crowd and drunk people spill crap on you. Girls talk to you to get drinks and then shut you down at the end of the night when it comes time to get their number. You can't hear a goddamn thing and your ears are ringing the next day. You end up taking care of drunk people/friends, which gets old. You get your coat stolen.

Staying at home:
Pros: It's cheap. Your ears don't hurt afterwards.
Cons: You just hang out by yourself doing the same thing you do every night (try to take over the world).

So as you can see, there are a bunch more cons to going out to a bar/club and they far outweigh the benefits. Staying at home and being lonely has the side effect of you feeling like a desperate loser, but the feeling is a little bit better then getting shot down by girls and going home desperate and lonely with the feeling of rejection. On the other hand that money isn't going to spend itself on frivolous evenings on the town! I'm not sure when I lost the desire to go out and have "fun" but that feeling is dead, and every time I do go out it ends up sucking.

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