Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Someone kill the radio in my head.

So many things I want to write about, so much sloth, so we'll get to them eventually. Sunday night I was pleasantly surprised by how well the Eagles played. I'm sure my roomates wouldn't agree since I was forced to yell and such while they were trying to sleep but whatever. After the game I was left in an emotionally drained mood and I was tired as hell, you would think that would lead to sleep right? Well you would be very wrong...shame on you. The next 6ish hours were spent sitting in my bed thinking, thinking specifically about one event in my life. This event has been going around in my head for the last 6 months in my head and you would think by this time that since I've thought about it from every angle, I wouldn't need to think about it any more. You would think that the emotion and the rehashing of every detail would be long past, and that I would be done scrutinizing myself. Well I'm not done doing those things, as apparently my mind seemed to think that once again, for what seems like the 1000th night in a row, it was all I could think about. That and the obnoxious songs running through my head...but more on that later. I finally fell asleep at about 5am, 15 minutes before my alarm went off, which I didn't wake up to. And I slept right through till 630, which by then I was late for work. I fucking hate being late to work, but what I hate even more is what awaited me when I woke up, which was another terrible group of songs running through my head.

We all get songs stuck in our head, it happens from time to time. Whether it be some long gone favorite you heard a part of recently or the most recent pop hit on the radio. My head is a constant concert, and we get artists from all over the spectrum of music, it's usually a rockin' good time. It is a good mix and usually it doesn't bother me when music is stuck in my head, because normally it is good music. But ever since the disappearance of my ipod I haven't been listening to much music at all. Also, perhaps not entirely coincidentally, the music that gets on my mind and stays there at all hours of the day has changed. Where it used to be songs I enjoy or thought were pretty good, now it has changed to a greatest hits of the 2000's mix of shitty annoying songs that I hate. I'm not sure where the hell I'm channeling this awful racket, but there it is, stuck in my head all the time.

There is probably a common theme to the songs, something in the lyrics, but I hate each and every one of them so much that I refuse to find out what it is. Whoever the DJ in my head is, he needs to be replaced, perhaps with a bullet. The worst part is that most of these songs are songs I not only hate, but didn't listen to when they were popular. So where did I learn the fucking tunes and lyrics? With all the other shit going on you would hope that at least the inside of my head would remain loyal and cool to me, playing songs I like, but now even that has betrayed me.

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