Friday, November 27, 2009

50 years...

In the last 48 hours it feels like my knees have aged 50 years. I worked out hard twice on Wed. in anticipation of taking a day off Thursday, but I didn't count on my knees feeling like someone took a bat to them all yesterday and today. They were so sore that yoga was quite difficult this morning for more reasons then just my inflexibility...

Oh sidebar! I snuck out of work for a couple hours this morning and went to a yoga class and it was fantastic. I mean, I'm terrible at yoga, but I felt so much better afterwards. And unlike some of the other places I've done yoga the instructor was nice enough to fix some of the things I was doing wrong. I feel so amped about it and I'm kinda trying to find ways to fit it into my schedule, which is unfortuantly cramped as is. Hopefully I'll continue to do it some more since it's so good for me, I just have to figure out if I can take time away from wrestling/ju-jitsu or if I can sacrifice crossfit/weight-lifting time. We'll see.

But back to my knees, I mean I work them hard as heck, but I don't understand why on some random thursday they decide to start acting up. It was like painful walking around cooking yesterday and hopping down the stairs to my neighbors place. I believe my next recourse is to work on them really hard this afternoon and tomorrow evening so that they feel better!

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