Friday, November 20, 2009


I think I might title all my blog posts after Lady Gaga songs for the rest of the month. Anyway, during ju-jitsu practice yesterday the instructor who was overseeing us going live was whistling "Paparazzi" while the group was all beating up on on one another. It's only slightly distracting to be in the middle of trying to deprive a man of air so he can breathe when you hear someone whistling a pop song. It's not even a manly pop song, and I know I shouldn't be talking since yes I have the Lady Gaga album, and yes I listen to it, I just don't do it when I'm trying to break someone's arm off.

Needless to say I called him out and tried to get everyone singing a different song (YMCA), which sorta worked. But it was really just a case of the song being stuck in his head and him being unable to stop whistling it. So in honor of him, the next time I go spar I'm going to play disney's greatest hits while I try to pummel someone's face. or even better, the next time I lift weights I'll start playing Ace of Base or the best of Britney Spears.

1 comment:

katie b said...

you should go with Mary Poppins...