Monday, November 16, 2009

Someone is going to get it

I don't know who and I don't know why, but I'm at this point where the next person who sets me off is going to be in trouble. It won't happen at work, but someone not at work is going to pay for others sins. They can't help it, they probably don't deserve it, they probably are innocent as far as it is concerned. But the next person who accidentally elbows me in ju-jitsu, or the next person who says something smart is going to not have a great day.

Don't ask why, don't think that deserves has anything to do with it. It's pure pent up aggression on my part based on all kinds of things. It's pent up, and there's only so many months before I have to take it out. It's nothing personal man, just wrong place wrong time.


katie b said...

well aren't you a busy blogger today? i hope you don't kill anyone, but more than that, i hope your day gets better and you are able to beat up and yell at a punching bag instead of a person. FYI: muay thai does the body - and mind - good.


eclectic mess said...

This was actually written really late last night but it was on the wrong blog so I switched it over.