Friday, September 28, 2007

If I were a horse...

They'd have taken me out back and shot me a long time ago. Knee injuries, shoulder problems, hand issues, turned ankles, all around gimpiness. The latest in a series of injuries is a bad ankle sprain that has sidelined me from doing basically anything. I wish I could say that I rolled my ankle doing something amazing on the racquetball court, but actually I was just resetting my feet when my left ankle turned and popped. It was fun trust me. So in a heartbeat there goes all the fun, no racquetball, no tennis, no hiking, no dancing, no working out my legs, no moonlight walks. At this point someone with a shotgun, and a degree in horse husbandry or veterinary sciences would take one look at me, pat my head, and shoot me. Maybe if they were feeling nice they would feed me a carrot or some oats first.

Most people wouldn't be that broken up by it, because after all there's still the car to use. Sadly my car needs a new wheel, so like its owner it is having trouble getting around. So this morning I had to ride my bike to work. It was easy and nice. But no doubt when I go downstairs I'll have a flat tire, or someone will have stolen my front wheel, or I'll have a broken chain. Sigh, I guess things can only look up right? Oh yes, it's supposed to rain this afternoon, at the time I am going home. At least I like the rain.

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