Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I kill you

Note to people living with me. Please empty your beer/champagne containers before you put them in the recycling bin. That way when I take it out at o'dark thirty this morning my right leg doesn't smell like stale alcohol all day. Sure I know what your thinking, that recycling bin is so jacked up it won't matter if I leave liquid in it because it will just leak out on the floor! Well this time it didn't, and now I get to smell like a wino all day.

Some other things that have come to my attention:
1) I'm losing my hair, and it's time to get real about my receding hair line. For example I need a haircut on every part of my head except the top...
2) I badly need a haircut. Especially because I'm beginning to look like I have one of those sweet receding hairline mullets.
3) I am so lazy right now it's not even funny. Too lazy to shave, fold my laundry, play video games, eat properly all the time, get my hair cut, go on dates (ever), etc. I don't remember a time in my life when I felt less motivated, it even carries over into things like my blog, I've got like 4 or 5 half written blog posts. My energy has just been sucked dead the last couple of weeks and the cause could be lack of sleep, but you'd figure that might have manifested itself before now as a problem.
4) The dog doesn't like me :(
5) I need to water my plant this evening but when I get home I will forget or be too lazy.
7) I hate Christmas music already this year and I've still got aways to go.
8) I've had a headache for like 6 days straight and it's annoying.

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