Monday, August 25, 2008

Not this crap again

So on Saturday I hurt my right knee playing beach volleyball. I am so disappointed. I'm not sure how badly it's hurt, hopefully it's just a sprain or something that will take a little while to get better. If it's not something simple it may require surgery, and that would suck royally. It's been about 7 1/2 years since I hurt my left knee, and as my friends have reminded me form time to time, I had a very bad time with that, and apparently was quite miserable. And why not? I spent most of my time in high school doing sports and being active. And I spent the majority of the spring in crutches, or in surgery, or rehabbing. It changed my life significantly and still affects me to this day, I still can't run like I used to with that left knee and I've never recovered a full range of motion. The thought of going through that whole mess again makes me pissed off and moody.

I was in great shape when I got hurt last time, this time I would not be in the best shape, not horrible but not great. There are certain things I enjoy in my life that I wouldn't be able to do for awhile and that would be a bummer. I love my bike ride to work, I love biking period. It is such a good way to start my day that I would be peeved to have to skip it for several months. I also wouldn't be able to work out like I want to, like I enjoy doing. Swimming to a large extent would be out and almost any kind of beach sport. Not to mention quite a bit of non-athletic activity, long walks, sightseeing etc. Most of that would be drastically cut down to what I would deem unacceptable levels. In the very near term I was supposed to go sailing this weekend and that is out for sure.

I guess the most frustrating part of this is how careful I've been over the last 8 months to take care of myself and not get hurt. I've been especially cautious because of my ankle and I've taken considerable care to try and strengthen my joints and other areas. This cycle just gets boring, hurt, recovery, period of unhurtness, hurt again. It's tedious and that's why I've spent so much time trying to fix myself in multiple ways. It just plain sucks and I wish it wouldn't happen. It makes me envision a very possible future where I'm just a broken old lonely man. I'm sure the old and lonely part will happen on it's own, the broken part needs to be fixed as soon as possible. As my co-worker just said, "Well now you don't have to wake up so early to go workout" (and thus I will be able to take her to the airport on Saturday morning early but that's no big deal). Great, wonderful, now my whole schedule is going to be shot for a bit. It's ok hopefully it will just be a sprain, and you can't tell anyway until the swelling goes down.

Originally I thought it was the MCL, but now it feels like it could be the ACL MCL or PCL. I originally thought it was the outside of the knee but today the entire front and outside of the knee hurt. It did not hurt nearly as bad this time when I hurt it as it did when I hurt my left knee, that was agonizing. But again it's all conjecture until the swelling goes down. I can't bike at the moment so it's going to at least be a week. Just annoying that the first time I try to go out and do something my knee gets hurt. Very frustrating. My ankle seems to be doing alright though. The knee has definitely tightened up since I've been sitting at my desk today. The fact that it is so hard to treat my knee will probably keep the swelling up for at least an extra week. Sigh.

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