Thursday, August 14, 2008

Someone help

I have started having to wear goggles on my bikerides into work in the morning. It's frustrating because without them my eyes dry out and it's very painful. But with them my vision is semi impared while riding and almost completely impared when I stop at a stoplight or something because they fog up so badly. I wish I had mini windshield wipers or a defogger on my goggles, because when I stop they completely fog up and I look like I'm in a cartoon or something. It's really funny/annoying. However not wearing goggles is just far too painful and my eyes are red all day, which sucks.

So I need some kind of solution that doesn't fog but still provides protection for my eyes and I don't think contacts will do the trick. Maybe if I was less sweaty and fat it wouldn't be an issue but sadly I refuse to change that part of myself. So for now I'll remain a sweaty fat guy on a bike who doesn't wear all that spandex nonsense. Although being a sweaty fatguy on a bike wearing spandex with fogged up goggles is a pretty fantastic look, I may have to do it just for the picture.

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