Monday, October 8, 2007

Manly and Tough

I got a new bike. It was a used new bike and it has a butterfly on the seat but it's still totally manly. Butterfiles are like pretty boys who have to keep fighting other bugs to prove they're really tough. They kick ass and look good doing it, just like me...just kidding. I currently don't do either of those things. Butterflies are the street tough fighters in the insect world. They're all about like getting in fights and doing hardcore man stuff. Which is why having one on my bike is totally manly and gruff...

Also, here is a picture of me from my vaction awhile back. As you can see I'm wearing bright colors and I look roughed up. Because like a butterfly, I'm tough that way. It's not a very good picture, because I took it by myself. Also, I just got done eating a huge meal and sitting in the sun all day. And I'm sad that we were done eating and there was no more food :(

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