Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Target and a weird dream

I went to Target last night to purchase various sundries and within moments after entering the store I noticed something was amiss. No they weren't having a paperclip sale, although I need some paperclips. No it was much more visually pleasing, the Target for some reason, was filled with attractive women. Not just one or two, but 15 or more. In the ten minutes I spent in Target I couldn't believe the number of attractive, un-attached (no wedding/engagement ring), well dressed women there were in the store. It was like someone had decided that it was necessary to tease me for some reason.

Now normally I would have just chalked it up to my desperation and loneliness. But my roomate was there with me and he noticed the same thing. It was hard not to notice, considering the store was filled with babes. At first I thought, "Wow this is great!" But quickly I realized that these women would want nothing to do with me, more then likely they would think it was weird that some random dude was hitting on them at the store. How would I even strike up a conversation at a Target? "Oh hey there, I see you have grapes in your cart, I like grapes, want to go on a date?" Maybe I'm just timid but having all these attractive women shopping with me was about as useful as the hammock in my back yard in the dead of winter. I wasn't going to talk to them, I wasn't going to interact, and the only thing that probably could happen would be them catching me staring at them, and them calling security. So I quickly got 1/3 of the three things I was looking for (thanks for nothing target), went to the register (where I was in line between two very attractive women), and left the store.


When I finally fell asleep at 3:30ish, I had this crazy lucid dream. What's strange about that is that I rarely have such vivid dreams, and this one in particular was really long, and I didn't have that much time to sleep since I woke up at 5. What made the dream odd was the setting, which was some dilapidated 4 story house in a swampy area. Who was in the dream, which were many of my friends past and present and oddly my grandmother who I do not speak to (long story). The dream essentially was about me and a random selection of friends killing the owner of the house and his partner (in self defense) and then trying to hide the bodies. One of which we buried in a shallow grave in the backyard next to a fence around the house in the back left, and the other of which we threw over the fence right next to where the other dead body was. We had to hide the bodies because apparently we knew the police were coming and we were afraid they wouldn't believe that it was self defense.

The police arrived and found the bodies, which were very poorly hidden, and they proceeded to chase us around the house. While this occurred my grandmother walked up to the police and took the blame for the whole thing. Then I woke up...I'm not sure what the hell that all means, I'm not used to having lucid dreams of that nature. I'm not sure why I felt the need to blog about it. But what I am sure of, is that in my dreams I apparently need to learn how to hide corpses from the authorities better. Either that or I need to figure out how to talk to attractive women that are shopping at the same store as me and not come off as some creepy pervert. Although given that the last two sentences I just wrote included the words, "hide corpses, attractive women, creepy pervert," my guess would be that this might be one mystery that remains unresolved for me.

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