Thursday, January 24, 2008

Inappropriate Conversation

Among the things that you probably shouldn't talk about in public, specifically in the confined space of the elevator, is your youngest child. Who happens to be adopted. Who also apparently suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Who you also don't think very highly of, and you think she won't go to college and will live at home for awhile. But you also don't think she's going to grow up to be much regardless of college.

I gleaned that all from a 20 second elevator conversation this morning between two people. I mean for fucks sake, you can talk about that stuff in private, but on the elevator with people in your building, probably not the best place. I may not even know you but I can guarantee that if I see you again all I'm going to think about is, "Oh hey, that's the guy who's youngest child is adopted and he doesn't think very highly of her." My willingness to help you just went downhill in a big way and we may not have ever formally met. Some things just shouldn't be spoken of in public, I think the dislike of immediate family would be one of them. The whole thing leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth and I wasn't all that great to begin with today.

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