Thursday, January 31, 2008

Communication Breakdown

It's funny how the way you communicate with someone can change in the absence or addition of certain factors. Yesterday I spent most of my day with a scientist out by the Pentagon, and we talked all day about things we needed to do to help him keep the funding for his project. As the day was wearing on you could tell he was feeling a little bit worse and he was losing his voice. Today when I came into the office his voice was completely spent and I still had to speak to him, so I would talk for 5 minutes while he nodded his head and then he would write questions on a piece of paper. It made the communication much more difficult but in the end it was an interesting challenge. Normally we would have just talked and things would have been more even in the conversation, more back and forth with an exchange of ideas.

This happens pretty frequently in non-physical situations with communication as well. A girl will talk to you in a entirely different manner when she is single than when she has a boyfriend. So if one day you are talking to her and the next time you see her she's involved with someone you can sense the way the communication between you two has changed, this is also the case if she does the opposite. I say girls specifically because my interactions with guys don't really change when they are single or in a relationship. If you've ever had a good friend lose someone close to them you can see the immediate change in the way they communicate with you. Sometimes they won't want to talk to you, but they can still write e-mails or talk online.

Your body is one gigantic communication device. My stomach communicates much more positively with the addition of pizza to it. My ear doesn't communicate normally with the application of a finger to it. Your muscles react differently if you are tired, or if you work them out more. Your ability to speak changes when you brun your tongue on Pizza Rolls that contain molten cheese. My nose sends signals more clearly when my finger is used to remove any form or blockage that has accumulated that impeded olfactory reception.

That's right, I wrote a blog just to set up a bad nose picking joke...

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