Saturday, January 12, 2008

Mmm Playoff Football

When I watch a football game, as I am this afternoon, I generally have another channel or 3 that I flip back to during commercials and boring parts of the game. This is actually true for anything I watch, not just football. I think quite a few men flip channels and I am no different. Today I am watching the Green Bay Packers vs. the Seattle Seahawks. The show that I'm flipping back to during commercials? Terminator 2:Judgement Day (For the 4 time in a 6 day period)? No. Wyatt Earp? No. I am watching something far less appropriate for male viewing, Sex and the City reruns on TBS.

I can't defend this, the absurdity of it is far to silly. It's not like it's a boring game, in fact just the opposite. There is lots of action and hard hitting. It is snowing in Green Bay. So far it is a tremendous game that is very entertaining, maybe the most entertaining I've watched all year. I don't know what I'm trying to get out of this, maybe the lack of female perspective in my life. i know for a certainty that if my roomates were out here watching this game with me I wouldn't be able to flip back to Sarah Jessica Parker and her frankly unbelievable musings. This may be a low point in my football watching career, although maybe The View is on somewhere...

Something is very wrong with me.

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