Sunday, September 21, 2008

The sound that kills

On my way home from work on Thursday the radio played the new James Bond theme song. It took me about 15 seconds and then I wanted to changed the channel. But I stayed my hand, just to hear how awful it could be. It's the worst song I've ever heard, and I know I exaggerate alot, but I honestly feel like this is the worst piece of music I've ever heard. For those of you who haven't had your ears poisoned, the song is by Alicia Keys and Jack White and it's apparently called "Another Way to Die". It's a disjointed mess with no continuity, I read somewhere that they wanted to create a unique sound, and they certainly did that. I would just like to point out that unique is not a synonym for good, and in this case it is a synonym for hair tearingly awful. At no point in the song was I like, oh I hope I hear that part again.

I fail to think of another song as mind blisteringly terrible in all facets. The singing is terrible, the lyrics are bad, the guitar intermixed with the pop beat is awful, the pop beat is putrid and on top of all of that they mixed in a partial orchestra and told them to play the worst possible piece of 4 note music they could vomit onto paper. There are no redeeming qualities, and if there is any justice in this world I won't hear it on the radio again. In fact I may not go see the movie just because I would have to sit through a version of the song in the opening credits. Ugh.

I realize taste in music is objective and what you consider good or bad is opinion and may differ from person to person. Well let me tell you that if you consider this song good you are objectively wrong and your opinion is also wrong. Whomever produced or green-lit this song should be expelled from Hollywood for all time, and be forced to listen to this song on repeat till they willingly accept death in the form of suicide because of the dishonor they have brought upon themselves (I'm not really advocating this and never would). I'm putting this disaster on the same level of the Bay of Pigs and Challenger, somehow somewhere group think was involved and this song got to see the light of day. The brain trust that controls all things James Bond agreed to publish this song for distribution and I'm not sure what the political intricacies were that allowed this but it needs to be investigated, and the master and all other copies need to be destroyed, both digital and hard.

How about this, another way to die is to willingly listen to this song more then once.

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